Privacy Policy

Visitors to the site

The Great British Public Toilet Map uses a cookieless approach to gather anonymous data such as which pages are viewed, what time the visit occurred, and which site referred the visitor to the web page etc.

Public Convenience Ltd also notes and saves information such as time of day, browser type and content requested. That information is used to provide more relevant services to users.

We will not associate any data gathered from this site through navigation and with any personally identifying information from any source. We may also log Internet Protocol (IP) address (but nothing that directly identifies visitors) in order to receive and send the required information over the internet.

Contributors to the site

Contributors to The Great British Public Toilet Map website are asked to sign-in via the Auth0 platform using their email address. This helps us to share data on the quantity and spread of contributions to the site which helps show how the community value the project, to improve our interfaces for our users, to protect our dataset from misuse and to recognise contributions from a user if that user is adding unsuitable content, whether intentionally or inadvertently.

A full list of a contributor’s activities will only be accessible to Public Convenience Ltd for moderating the dataset.

The content of feedback submitted via the site feedback mechanism will be reviewed by a human and may be used to improve the service. It may pass through third party services in legislative regions with different privacy protections before it reaches us.

Should you choose to provide an email address with your feedback it will be stored against your comments and Public Convenience Ltd. may choose to contact you to follow up on the feedback you gave. There is no obligation to respond to or engage in a dialogue stemming from such contact.

A contributor’s full email address will never be disclosed or shared and is only visible to Public Convenience Ltd.

If you'd like to know what we've stored about you, or ask us to forget you, or to let us know about something you'd like changed please drop us a line at If you'd like to exercise any of your rights under the GDPR that's the address to use.